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Carlos Acosta at the Royal Ballet
A photo-led book published in 2015 to mark Carlos’ farewell season; an exciting retrospective to capture his greatest performances with The Royal Ballet. With tributes from three successive Royal Ballet Directors; Sir Anthony Dowell, Dame Monica Mason and the present Royal Ballet Director Kevin O’Hare; Associate Director Jeanetta Lawrence and various dancers of the Royal Ballet.
Carlos Acosta at The Royal Ballet is a tribute to his phenomenal success and popularity with Royal Ballet audiences since 1998. The book contains over 150 images of Carlos on stage and in rehearsal. Ballet photographs include his own productions of Don Quixote, Requiem, Apollo, Romeo and Juliet, La Fille mal gardée, Sleeping Beauty, Judas Tree and Winter Dreams, plus many more. This book is a unique record of his time with The Royal Ballet.
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Tocororo: A Cuban Tale
In a series of stunning black and white images, Tocororo: A Cuban Tale follows the creation of Carlos Acosta’s first piece of dance theatre as choreographer and star, from its rehearsals and world premiere in Cuba to its sell-out debut at London’s Sadler’s Wells theatre. Angela Taylor’s magnificent photographs capture the immediacy and excitement of the show as it goes into rehearsal in Havana. At the end of the book, 32 pages of colour images reproduce the electrifying energy and passion of Tocororo as it explodes onto the London stage.
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Carlos Acosta: The Reluctant Dancer by Margaret Willis
Carlos Acosta grew up in a shantytown in Fidel Castro’s politically isolated Cuba. Like many boys, he’d skip school to play football or breakdance with his friends. His father’s solution to his unruly behaviour was to send him to ballet school where he would be disciplined, trained and fed – for free. It was many years before Carlos came to accept a pursuit he saw as ‘sissy’. Today he is one of the world’s most stunning classical ballet dancers, admired internationally for his magnetic presence on stage. This is his story.
Available at Amazon